Thursday, November 4, 2010

This morning's recipe for Happiness:Recipe for Penne With Sausage And Saffron

Recipe for Penne With Sausage And Saffron : La Cucina Italiana

Happiness before 8:00 in the morning is usually found in a warm cup of coffee for most. Seeing that I am more of the espresso type, it won't shock you to learn then that a pasta recipe is the contributing factor to my joye de vivre this morning.

It spoke to me emphatically, passionately, yet gently like an old friend whose words I have always respected and have never let me down. It spoke with the simple comforts of Penne while intriguing me with the sophistication of Saffron and ultimately lured me in with the primordial offering of sweet Sausage. My sustenance concerns for the day removed I can now look forward to my work.

Some days are simpler....and happier that others.

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