Thursday, October 21, 2010

Put A Sock On It

The other day a brilliant friend of mine, a Wharton Business School graduate and Berkeley University Phd., asked me a question; "some one actually designs socks?". 

My initial and natural reaction would normally have been very sarchastic, but in a moment I realized the entire Fashion industry had just flashed in front of me as though it was breathing its last collective breath.

How could an industry that thrives on persistant marketing have let this bit of knowledge slip from the very consumer it spends billions of dollars trying to capture and mantain? I can imagine you're thinking "well, your friend might be brilliant and very knowledgeable in his field but an idiot when it comes to fashion...hell, to basic clothing". Ureka! How is this possible?

A bit insulted I responded "I used to design socks, a friend of mine designs socks...beautiful, colorful, fun socks". I proceeded to show him a picture of one of Vivek Nagrani's socks...
His short and simple response was "Oh" to which I said, "exactly. Vivek thought you might say that, so he designed an "O" on the sock just for you".

Friday, October 8, 2010

When it feels right

There are moments in life that just...well, feel right.

Momentous, historically changing moments and small moments as well. Moments that color one's day or one's view of something that might have been mundane at another point and time.

Last night was that night, were instead of picking up a stiff drink I had a club soda with a twist,

the music was just right...............

....and the shirt could not have been anything other than IDENTITY

...then all the planets seem to align for that moment...that moment that didn't happen by chance, but that you made happen.....enjoy the moment.